Enthusiastic, warm, energetic & competent nanny
Marie has been our nanny from October 2018 - July 2019 (current), working 2 full days with our youngest son (preschool) & doing tail end school care & holiday care for our eldest son. She has been consistently reliable, punctual, enthusiastic, energetic and warm. The boys always have a great day with her with plenty of trips out to parks, playgroups, museums, swimming and meeting up with other families & their nannies. She has a bubbly personality and is easy to talk to & discuss things with. Children love her and she makes things fun but maintains good discipline. Marie is very competent & when needed, she has managed some complicated days for us and a friend’s family, juggling four children with multiple drop offs, pick ups, trips etc. She is also a good cook & able to knock together meals with whatever food is in the house!
Our previous nanny is returning from maternity leave and we will miss Marie very much.