The girls love going to Tiny Terrors. Wouldn't hes
We have two girls that have been going to Debbie and Gary's since July 2016. When the girls started they were 9 months and 2 1/2 years. They had never been left with anyone other than family and so I was very worried. Our youngest was also a bad napper and so I worried she would just get over tired and cry. However, I need not have worried the girls love it their and after the first few days they went in happily and Ellie naps happily in a cot (she is even better at home now).
There is a huge range of toys at the setting and plenty of spaces for the girls to run wild which they love. The also adore Debbie and Gary and talk about them often which is fantastic as it makes having to go to work much easier knowning the girls are happy.
I also like the fact that Debbie and Gary install good manners in the girls, they eat meals altogether at the table and don't get down until everyone has finished.
I work shifts and these can change very last minute. Debbie and Gary have always been very accomodating of this.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Debbie and Gary to any one and hope that my girls will be with them until they are old enough to not need childcare.