You won't get better in my opinion. Clare is instinctive, nurturing, intelligent, responsive, pro-active, kind, open minded and a woman of high integrity and compassion. There is literally nothing that she doesn't think of and I like to describe her as a swan who is paddling fast (though apparently never frantically - gawd knows how) whilst juggling with just her head a huge number of different items.
The staff who work with her are well established and have a great working relationship with her and the children but Clare is the absolute lynch pin - the children just feed off her mother earth with appropriate boundaries style. She is never just ticking a box, but always thinking of the next idea or the next way to help. She naturally teaches, encourages and where appropriate stretches each child, uses humour appropriately and as a role model to the children she is absolutely perfect.
A cuddle is never far away and her thoughtfulness even when under huge pressure never ceases to amaze me. The relationships she builds up with the children and parents is testament to her devotion. She is supremely organised, balanced, approachable and just brilliant. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the universe was watching over us the day we found her. And tno hat is not over stating it!