Mum 2 Me
Childminder in Teddington
Female Member since Jun 2014 Last Updated Jul 2024 Last Login 26 Feb 2025
My Summary
About Me
My name is Christina Martin and I have been an Ofsted registered childminder since 2007. Prior to this I worked for the London Ambulance Service, with a period in-between while I raised my family.
I live with my husband and we have a dog called Bailey. Bailey is a cockapoo we have raised him since tiny and is very friendly. We live in a non-smoking, end of terrace house in Blackmores Grove, Teddington. We are in a central location with numerous local parks, schools, a library, town centre, various play-groups and Teddington train station right on our doorstep.
I am registered to care for six children under the age of 8 at any one time. Of these six children, a maximum of three may be young children (a child is a young child up until 1st September following his or her fifth birthday or when they are in full time education) and one child under the age of one.
I have a modern spacious car and carry fully comprehensive business insurance. I also provide all car seats and ensure that children are only carried in the correct car seat for their age or weight.
For children in the early years age group, I follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), the government’s guidelines for learning and development. The activities that I plan for this age group ensure that all areas of learning are covered in a fun and creative way.
My Experience
I offer a reliable and friendly childcare service in a home environment. My aim is to provide families with high quality child-care that is convenient and flexible, and to provide children with a home from home environment where they feel safe, secure, relaxed and able to enjoy their time with me.
Children have access to a fully equipped playroom with a separate toilet and hand basin. In the play-room the children have access to a TV, PC, computer games, Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation, Nintendo DS and Gameboy (for older children) board games, role play toys, dressing up, Lego, Knex, cars, dolls house and farm house, animals and small world toys, puzzles, dolls and pushchairs etc. Children also have access to our living room, which is mainly used for the quieter activities, such as chilling out, story time, napping, meals, craft activities, homework etc. There is also a kitchen that is used for meal preparation and baking. We also have a small, safe enclosed back garden where children can play in a playhouse, sit and ride bikes and cars, scooter, water and sand table and other outdoor activities.
I provide a happy, safe environment with lots of enthusiasm, support and a variety of age appropriate activities. I plan different activities throughout the week, for example: fun exploring in all the local parks, playgroups, soft play areas, libraries, shopping, Kew gardens etc. In the house we do activities such as crafts, painting, drawing, reading, puzzles, games, free play, role play etc. During school holidays we venture further afield and have days out at the beach, Discovery Centre in Bracknell, theme parks, Ravenscourt Park, farms etc.
My Qualifications
• Ofsted Registered (Office for Standards in Education) - An independent and impartial body that report directly to parliament. They inspect and regulate services that care for children. As a childminder I have ongoing inspections by Ofsted and their findings are published on their website please feel free to search for me by name.
• CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) Enhanced disclosure for everyone in the household over the age of 16 years – CRB checks are for posts involving greater degree of contact with children or vulnerable adults. It will show details of all cautions, warnings, reprimands and convictions held on an individual’s criminal record.
• Food Safety Standards Registered.
• PACEY Registered (Professional Association For Childcare And Early Years) – A professional membership association that work with registered childminders and other childcare providers as well as local and national government to ensure families have access to high quality home-based childcare.
• Richmond Childminding Association Member.
• PACEY Insurance.
• ICO Registered (Information Commissioners Office) – An independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.
• Safeguarding children course.
• Paediatric first aid course every three years.
• O Level in Child-development
• Level 3 Cache (Council For Awards In Children’s Care And Education) Diploma in Home-Based Childcare.
• Own transport with full comprehensive business insurance.
My Availability
I offer part time places, including school wrap-around care, drop-offs and/or collections to school and nursery etc.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Before School | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no |
Morning | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Afternoon | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
After School | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no |
Evening | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Overnight | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Last Updated: 03/07/2024 |
My Fees
- Childminding from £7.77 per hour
Morning session 7:30 - school drop off including breakfast £10 per session
Afternoon session school pick up including cooked meal - 18:00 £30 per session
Complete school wrap around care £35 per day
Outside contract or no contract £10 per hour
My Local Schools
- I provide drop offs and pick ups at Collis Primary School
My Ofsted Inspections
The inspection grades below have been obtained from the Ofsted website based upon the registration number the childminder has provided to us. You should verify this information yourself prior to using the childminder.

My Documents
Read our Safety Centre and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
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This profile has been produced from information provided to us by the user. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.