Not for babies.
I do not recommend this childminder at all. My little boy had a space, one day a week. He had 2 half day settling in sessions which, on collection, we were told he had a great time and got nothing but compliments. On his second full day, on collection, I was told that he wasn’t settling and wouldn’t stop crying unless he was being held. I was also told he didn’t like the food which I provided for him (it was one of his favourite meals!) and that I would ‘need to feed him when you get home because he will be hungry’ - of course I’m going to feed him when I get home. On the third day, at drop off, I said he may be tired as he had woken for a feed in the night (which is unusual for him). On collection I was told he still hadn’t settled (baring in mind this was only his third time attending) and that he couldn’t return. Comments were made about how my husband is self employed, so could ‘move work around’ to provide care for our son. I was also told I hadn’t provided enough food for my son (I sent 2 meals, a snack and 3 bottles) and ‘you’re obviously not feeding him enough which is why he woke up at night’. I’ve now had to take unpaid leave from work until my little one can have a second day at the childcare setting he attends on another day in the week.
These comments were totally uncalled for and I don’t feel that enough effort or time was given to allow a 10-month old to settle with a new person, in a new setting.
After speaking with other mothers in the area it transpires that my little one is not the only baby which has been ‘kicked out’ of this setting.
If you are looking for someone to look after a baby, this is not the childminder for you, even though it is stated that babies from 3-months old are accepted. It is daunting enough leaving your child with a stranger, but to also have derogatory comments made with regard to feeding is completely uncalled for.