My daughter started attending jackie when she was around 18 months, i knew from the start that she was going to love attending.
Jackie takes the children to the park, allotment, museum, zoo, indoor play area’s and many other places as well as having a brilliant set out in her home for the children to enjoy with lots of books, learning resources and educational toys. Jackie really does take pride in her job and cares and loves your children highly. She always lets you know anything you want to know, keeps you updated with your child’s progress. My daughter was a little bit behind with her numbers, Jackie made her a little number game sheet to take home and within no time she grasped the numbers. My daughter always comes home with lovely things they have made weather it be stuff they have cooked or lovely paintings and pictures! It has sadly come to the time where i have had to apply for my daughter to go to primary school, which means she will be leaving Jackie's placement. Honestly if your looking for a lovely childminder that you want your child to feel happy and loved at Jackie is the childminder for you. My daughter will truly miss Jackie, her family and her little friends she has made ❣️