Great childminder
My two girls have been with little caterpillers since it was first opened. Emma is fantantsic with the girls. The children have planed activitys each day from walks in the park to going on day trips. I have other childminders in the past who have just sat and watch the girls with no interaction. Emma is compleatly diffrent it is like a breath of fresh air.The weekly up dates by email to show our balance also to inform us of what the girls have been doing also what the girls have been eating.This such a help to now how much the girls are eating so I can make sure as a parent that I am still in the picture when I am at work.Emma is great at making sure that the activtys the girls do are to match the girls like's and dislike's. Emma asked me if I would Like her to help the girls with thier home work. This is a great help as busy parents the home work was never done on time.Emma also makes sure all massages from school are passed on.In pervious exsperince of childminder's things ofton never got passed on. Also Emma is very felxiable i.e my hour's were changed for one week and Emma was avable to have the gilrs at sort notice's. Over all Emma was born to be a chilminder. The girls love it so much they complan when they have to leave early to come home.I would say to every parent send your children to little caterpillars