Exceptional Childcare!
Our little girl has been at Meerkats since the age of 10 months and is leaving this summer as she starts school in September. She has been provided with the most exceptional care throughout her time at the setting and all the staff have been outstanding in helping her grow and develop as an individual. There are so many wonderful aspects of Meerkats, which has the benefit of a home setting whilst also having the feel of a larger group (approximately 10 children). Our daughter learnt so much from being around children a year or so older than her when she was young and this has really aided her personal development. As parents, we have worked with the staff at every stage of her development and have sought advice from them when faced with challenges at home. It has been a wonderful partnership where we have made decisions for our family that have been supported by the staff at the setting, particularly surrounding naps, feeding and potty training. They have gone above and beyond to accommodate our requests and supported us at every turn. We are particularly grateful to Meerkats for steering us through the tricky situation of the pandemic and working tirelessly to protect all the children in their care from not just Covid, but all other illnesses that are out there in the world. We have never once regretted our choice of childcare and cannot express fully in words just how truly amazing Meerkats is for children of all ages.