Simply the Best
Donna looked after my eldest child since she turned 1. The only childminder I met who wanted to meet me outside of her minding hours as during that time her focus is on the children. On meeting her, I immediately knew she was the one meant to care for my baby in my absence. Her garden is purpose designed for children, her play room is amazing. But Donna herself is absolutely golden.
She plans amazing learning opportunities designed to meet each individual child’s needs. She knows the children and exactly what their strengths are and what areas they need to develop. Having previously taught Nursery, she has an excellent knowledge of the EYFS framework and child development.
I couldn’t count the occasions that I’ve handed her an over tired baby and she’d always adapted naps for them and worked exactly on their schedule. She regularly takes them to the park, soft play, even Paradise Wildlife Park and swimming on occasion.
But the main thing I love about Donna (or ‘My Donna’ as my eldest calls her), is how she nurtures, cares and loves my children like her own. I have absolute trust in her. If you get the chance for her to look after your children - take it!