'Outstanding' ... Obviously!!
Sufia is one of a very few child minders in Redbridge that have been classified as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. I can see why this is - I feel that the level of care Sufia provides is truly exemplary! The warmth Sufia shows and provides for the children in her care is quite something!
I have a daughter that used to go to Sufia, who is now in Primary School and another who is still with Sufia.
Sufia cares for children from babies to school-age and you cannot help but warm to her maternal nature. It is a very comforting feeling knowing you are leaving your child with someone you trust implicitly.
Over the past three years, I have a met a woman who has, along with her family, become a very important part of our lives - I feel I would do her an injustice if I called her ‘just’ a child minder, as she is so much more; she has become an ‘Aunty’ to my children and a true friend and ‘confidante’ to me.
From the moment you step into Sufia’s house, you know that you are on to a winner: the house is set up with children in mind – the playroom is stimulating and brimming with a range of age-appropriate, good quality toys and books, the family parrot in the corner captivates the children and the huge garden has all the enticement of an adventure playground!’ The welcome from her three girls and their delightful smiles always makes my day and my girls are off playing before I can blink an eyelid!
I am more than satisfied with every aspect of care that Sufia provides for my daughter. Here are are just some examples:
Creativity: My daughter has often come home with a pot of watercress, finger paintings and decorated cupcakes – Sufia allows the children to fulfil their creative potential and understands the importance of learning through play. Quite often the morning will start with the children singing along to their favourite nursery rhymes which is a lovely was to start the day!
Learning: I feel that Sufia has played a very big part in getting my daughter prepared for nursery: teaching numbers and the alphabet, recognising and spelling out your name, colours, animals – the list is endless! She has also taught her the important skills of sharing, being kind and playing with other children.
Food: My daughter can be a fussy eater but Sufia has her eating all kinds of wonderful things that are cooked from fresh, last week she ate spinach, which was a first! She provides balanced and healthy meals, as well as snacks of yoghurt and fresh fruit and takes dietary needs into consideration.
Hygiene: Sufia has a dedicated toilet which is conveniently located very near the playroom. She has taught my children how to go to the toilet independently and helped them make the big leap from nappy to potty. She has also drummed into them the importance of hand washing – they all have dedicated hooks with flannels on them . Younger children also have dedicated nappies and creams in order to avoid cross-contamination.
I must mention how much I respect Sufia's professionalism; whenever I have had any concerns, Sufia has been willing to listen and respect that as parents we have anxieties that need to be abated. She never takes a concern personally and will do the utmost to put your mind at ease.
She also has what I would call a very 'fair but firm' policy, whereby she is as flexible as possible to meet parents' needs but will not compromise on her childcare ratio or any aspects of health and safely.
Being from an educational background, I wanted somebody who could take care of my daughter’s emotional and physical needs when she was a baby as well as prepare her for nursery when she was of school age – Sufia has surpassed my expectations in all of these areas. She has helped my daughter become a confident, well rounded, sociable and most importantly, happy and contented child and for this, I am eternally grateful.