Wonderful, Caring, Reliable Childminder
Debbie has looked after my son 5 days each week for the past year since he was one year old. He is now 2 and loves seeing her. She has always provided him with lots of attention and affection. Her manner is calm and reasonable and she appears to really enjoy childminding. My son always has lots of playmates and friends and has a daily outing to a local playgroup or park where they can see their friends. Debbie is creative and plans lots of special activities and field trips as well. Her house is very clean and safe and the food she prepares daily is very healthy and home cooked. She is very reliable and I feel very lucky to have a childminder that I trust completely.
A previous review said she was soft and lacked authority - I find that comment to be a odd and inaccurate. Debbie is firm with my son if his behaviour is unacceptable and has taught him excellent manners. He has a lot of respect for her authority.