Amazing nanny
We had the good fortune of having a wonderful nanny for over 4 years.
Kasia is amazing and adored by my children. She spent 3 months on maternity leave and after that she brought her cute little baby to us. This has been wonderful for my youngest who now thinks
she is a big sister.
Kasia is highly capable, very loving, and extremely active. The children in her care
are always doing activities, on day trips, in the park, and on play dates,
every day, rain or shine. She has a wide network of local nanny friends with whom she arranges play dates for the kids. She is also practiced at lockdown home schooling having had to do help us with that last year. An important skill should that be required in future (hopefully not!).
She is excellent at developing good/healthy behaviour… I am certain my kids would
be nightmares without her influence and instead they are very polite and well behaved at least on her watch.