2 stars

Review written by my wife for our little boys care


When my son started Little Dunklings at 1 years old Beth was very welcoming and great with him. Telling me daily what he has learnt, with lots of lovely photos, having great days out even a parents evening.
This went on for a good while. Beth always chatted with me at pick up and drop offs and I felt we also had a nice bond - as I had worked in childcare also.
When my son turned 2.5 years old I felt all of a sudden after the Christmas period Beths behaviour with my son had changed in a negative manor . Beth said he needed more challenges as he was a little more advanced and needed a preschool environment, which I understood but felt it was out of nowhere when she hadn't mentioned it before. I felt she had put pressure on me to suddenly find another setting. She also mentioned during Easter that she wasn't going to do the 3year funding which she had stated was available on her profile. Me and my husband obviously were relying on this because of finances, to suddenly drop this on us felt like another way to get us to move setting. When it came to one pick up day Beth wanted to speak to me about my sons behaviour that day (without warning) saying she believes he needs to get extra support for her setting to help with my sons emotions and said she will send me a care plan for him. Previously working in a school alarm bells were going that he's been hard work for her and was exhibiting challenging behaviour. Eventually after Beths feedback, we understood this was merely the fact that he didn't want to walk far and was getting emotional about this, which was a phase he quickly grew out of. As his mum I didn't believe he needed this at all and actually the care plan showed this was normal 2 year old behaviour.
Beth asked if I had done anything different at home , which I hadn't , but I was informed she had more babies at the setting so I believe it could have been this and my son wasn't getting as much attention. I have previously worked with one to ones and lots of challenging children so I would hold my hands up if my son wasn't behaving well enough.
As well as this I felt Beth's hand overs weren't as good the last few months before I left and felt she was disinterested in his learning as there wasn't anything new each day and focus was more on the younger children. I knew he was still having lovely days out and getting plenty of photos but I felt the bond with Beth wasn't there. My husband and I aren't difficult parents and I always stay professional.
One day Beth sent me a message about my son having a bad fall and cutting his lip, we got a photo and had an accident form which stated a cut lip and that she used a cold compress which is great. She updated me about it and sent me another photo later on. Once I got home I noticed he had a badly chipped front tooth , so I messaged Beth and she said she will update it on the form. I understand kids fall over all the time but what's worrying is the fact she didn't notice this even after taking a close up photo of his open mouth. She still hasn't apologised for it.

I found a setting for my son, which I told Beth about and said when his last day was, I asked about the deposit that you pay (£50) at the start and she said I don't need to worry about getting it back on the last day and not mentioning any deductions.

My son, husband and I went especially into town and he chose presents for Beth personally and wrapped them all up for her, we gave them to her on the last day and Beth said she will open them when he's gone.
My dad picked my son up the last day so I went to message Beth to mention about the deposit and whether she opened the present. To my shock I noticed she had deleted me from WhatsApp (which I understand with the business side) but without a thank you or a goodbye message seemed odd. Beth had also blocked her personal number from me and Facebook. Which I thought was quite unprofessional and surprising! I was unable to message her and ask about the deposit. So when I was next passing I went to her house and knocked on the door and posted a message through the door. I got an email back and she had deducted the deposit as we had some late fees which I still don't agree with as over a 2.5 year period she had calculated 19mins. We always made Beth aware if we were going to be late , which due to extraneous circumstances very rarely we were a few minutes late. This isn't about the fee , more the fact with her saying this wasn't going to be an issue, I felt I was lied to. It is just concerning why she would lie to a parent , which worries me if she's not been honest before about other things.
And also to this day she still hasn't said thank you for her present off my son which REALLY upsets me and I find it really rude!

From December onwards I've felt Beth has been unprofessional and pushed my son out like he wasn't wanted which as a parent is a horrible feeling.

To summarise on an outsiders view it seems like a great setting - especially for babies. However when it comes to children of the older age, as shown with our experience from December onwards when my child was 2.5 years old -it's quite apparent that he wasn't getting enough stimulation and by her suggesting to look elsewhere, makes me think she isn't fully able to give full support and care for a toddler.
With reference to the late fee and the quite obvious cracked tooth, it does make me question has she been totally honest with me during the time my child's been in her care.
It's a shame I had to write this as 8months ago it would have been very different review. I would have liked my son to have stayed there till nearly school age as I know other children have in the past. Unfortunately we felt pushed out of the setting, which again l have to stress my son isn't a difficult child, this has left me quite upset and angry.

  • 2 stars Overall
  • 4 stars Setting
  • 4 stars Cleanliness
  • 4 stars Food
  • 1 stars Communication