Would not reccommend
Worse childminder my son has had. She didnt look after him correctly or responsibly at all . She ignored all requests and instructions i gave her when it.came.to my sons care . He fell and hit his head whilst in her care causing it.to bleed and bruise and she told me that she and her assistant decided not to tell me until the end of the day as that is what nurseries do. Ive had several proffessionals confirm nurseries alert you straight away. She didnt like that I told her she should have alerted me sooner. 2 days later she then ended our contract with immediate effect with no warning telling me she was no longer looking after my son as he wasnt walking. She then told his new nursery that she ended it because he is a clingy baby who cried all the time and wouldnt let her leave him and even they have said its a lie. She never fed my son at the times i asked and didnt feed him what i asked her to at those times. She stopped giving him his milk when i requested he was given it as she and her assistant decided he didnt need it. She placed him in a bouncer to sleep unattended and unstrapped at the age of 10 months. Ive never known a childminder to be so disgraceful in her actions in front of other children . She shouted at me and called me a bad mom telling me I knew nothing as i was a first time parent where she wasnt and this was in front of my son and other children . I will never use her services again and I definetly will never reccommend her ever . She is a neglectful career !!
Response from momtaz
Many allegations have been made against me which are unjust and false which I feel I need to respond to.
The child was with me for just over a month and he was still on his two month trial period which Mum signed in her contract.
With regards to the child hitting his head, this was a slight bump whilst he was playing. I followed the necessary procedure by applying a cold compress and logging an incident report. I tried to ring Mum but as I couldn’t get hold of her I text her – therefore I have the text as evidence of this. I was then subjected to a barrage of angry messages from Mum until he was picked up. II did NOT choose to wait until the end of the day to let Mum know of this. After having seen the slight bump herself, was happy to return the child back to me the next day to look after.
Mum has stated that I did not feed her son at the times she requested and chose to stop giving him milk. Once again this is not the case. Mum told me to feed her son a full bottle of milk after breakfast, however sometimes he chose not to drink it. I tried to explain this to mum however she chose not accept that the child did not want his milk. I therefore liaised with sandwell safeguarding and welfare officer Anne Pritchard who advised that if a child refuses to drink the milk then I shouldn’t force him. When relaying this information back to mum she was defensive stating that as the mother she knows best. As a childcare professional I feel it is my job to give advice if necessary.
Mum has accused me of placing the baby unstrapped in the bouncer. The times I placed the baby in the bouncer was during the day whilst Mum was at work, so once again this an unfounded false allegation. Under no circumstances was the child ever left unattended or unstrapped and I also have an assistant so there is always someone to watch the children at all times.
On several occasions I found Mum to be extremely rude to me over very insignificant circumstances. For example, the child had a nappy leak therefore I had to change his clothes. Mum was extremely angry about this, even though I explained that this is a simple matter which can happen to any baby. However, she continued to shout at me and became quite abusive in front of the other children who were there,
threatening to report me to Ofsted. It was at this point I decided that it would be best not to continue the contract and this was completely unacceptable particularly as she was raising her voice to me in front of the other children. I then gave Mum her one months notice – once again I have evidence of this. However, Mum did not return with the child and I received a phone call from a nursery to confirm he would not be returning to me.
Under no circumstances were their any occasions of neglect whilst this child was under my care. If Mum had felt that any of the allegations above were true, I would ask the question why did she not choose to report me to the relevant people? And, why if she was so unhappy with how I chose to look after her child did she continue to return him back to me to look after for a whole month? My only answer would be that she has no evidence as they are all unjust. I have been a childminder for nearly three years, and as per my profile I have many relevant qualifications to enable me to provide the best possible care to any child I look after. I have many happy parents who have been sending their children to me and have left many positive reviews to reflect this and I have never had any complaints. I would ask anyone who is considering me as their childminder to please take this into account.