The best nanny, highly recommended!
Fearn came to our family in October 2019, when our daughter was 9 months old. She put children's happiness and safety as the priority, which contributed hugely to our daughter's character. Thanks for Fearn's caring, our daughter becomes a happy and confident pre schooler! The nearly 30 years' experience makes Fearn is familiar with the different desires and needs at different stages. At the first few months, she took our daughter to different baby music classes and soft play; when she turned older, Fearn registered more educated music class like Sparkysons and some other activities, to let her get involved to outside world and different groups of children. She read a lot to my daughter, very often I saw they were sitting together reading for hours! I am super glad that our daughter has good reading pattern which was introduced by Fearn. When our daughter went to the nursery, Fearn still looked after her two days a week. She helped our daughter to go through the settle period smoothly. She concerned about our daughter from her deep heart, she could identify the early indication of the mood change of our daughter. Once she expressed her concern about our daughter's attitude to the nursery, which pushed us to have a proper conversation and following up with the nursery, helped our daughter to overcome the difficulty time.
Fearn cooks very well. She pays good attention on the variety and nutrition of the food cooked for the little one. And these nutritious food are also tasty!
During the 2 years and 3 months she looked after our daughter, Fearn was never late, which was amazing! She also understood the pressure of being new parents, she helped me a lot to smooth my emotions. That's why we still keep communication frequently.
It was a heart breaking moment when our daughter knew Fearn was going to leave due to family reason. Few months thereafter, the little one still sometimes woke up in the middle night, crying "I miss Fearny......"
When I look back, we were very lucky to get such an amazing nanny. Our daughter's bright and happy character is partially shaped by her, which we always feel grateful!
If you have any further question, welcome to contact me. Fearn has my number. I am also more than happy to issue official reference letter if it's needed.