⭐️ Super Setting ⭐️
Donna & Ant provide such a lovely, caring, safe and comfortable environment for my son, who has been in their care now for 5 months. They have such a beautiful outdoor space with numerous toys to be kept entertained. He thoroughly enjoys his time there, has made loads of arts and crafts which he brings home excitedly and often asks to go to “Donna’s house!” It’s lovely to see the friendships my son has made in Donna & Ant’s setting, not just with the other kiddies but with Donna & Ant’s family too. It’s great to receive a monthly newsletter stating what the topic is for the month ie Dinosaurs and any other specific activities that will be covered during that month. A monthly menu of healthy home made meals is also sent out, which is great to see. I love that Donna creates a beautiful journey planner book for each child, which shows photos and comments of their time in the setting. It’s such a lovely gesture and beautifully written up to show the progress of each child. It’s great to see that Donna also provides a daily diary to show everything that has happened for that day. My son has definitely settled in nicely to the setting, is progressing so well with Donna’s previous early childhood experience and I couldn’t ask for more from them. They are truly amazing carers for my son and offer a fun, happy and safe environment for him. Donna is always so polite, friendly and helpful when it comes to any questions I have or advice needed. I knew from the moment I met them, that their setting would be great for my son 😇