I had a phone conversation last Saturday with Yasmin and she was really helpful and answered all my questions and was very professional and polite.
During this conversation we arranged for her to visit my home the following Friday (today), to meet the children and go through her documentation.
I have since tried to contact Yasmin in different ways over the last few days, including regular text message, WhatsApp message, the messaging function in childcare.co.uk, phone calls, and WhatsApp audio calls. I have also left a voicemail.
I’m not sure what has happened but none of the calls were picked up or responded to and none of the messages were replied to. The WhatsApp messages were delivered but not read and the regular text was read shortly after sending, but not replied to.
I’m hoping nothing bad has happened and that everything is alright, but I am left feeling very confused about what has happened.
I’m sure Yasmin is great at Nannying (if that’s even a word), judging from the many excellent reviews. I am however left very confused and unsure whether I am purposefully being ignored or if there are other reasons regarding the profound lapse in communication.
Please feel free to reach out to me Yasmin if you see this review; I hope everything is alright.