Our amazing childminders
Early 2019 I started looking for childminders for my then 6 month old baby.
I met with one childminder than I didn’t get that ‘feeling’ with. I then walked into Kim and Rebecca’s home and I instantly knew it was them.
The home from home they provide is now a second home to me two children who are now 2 and 4, both who have been with Kim and Rebecca since they were 6 and 9 months old.
I regularly receive photos of the activities and outings they go on which is amazing to see and the things they get up to everyday is truly amazing and is all a huge contributing factor to who my children are today.
My oldest is now in school but still goes to Kim and Rebecca’s after school until I pick them both up after work. They both absolutely love going and I never worry about them as I trust Kim and Rebecca with my life.
All of the children have become really good friends and we now have a little community between all the Mums at birthday parties and it is just so lovely. They are more like family to us now.
Choosing Kim and Rebecca as my childminders was one of the best decisions I have ever made.