Sue was a great find. From the moment I went to view her setting my boys were at home instantly and started exploring and warmed to Sue straight away. The playroom is very colourful with displays and a wide range of toys to engage all ages.
She provides wonderful activities that a lot of thought and time go in to preparing the best experiences for the children. Some to name a few are; cooking, crafts, seasonal play and outings. These are all documented in personal learning journeys. I love reading through them when they are sent home, looking at all the progress made against the EYFS framework. Sue also provides targets and helped me to work on them at home as well. My boys love playing in Sue’s large garden, especially in the mud kitchen, they enjoy helping out with the chickens and playing with the animals.
My eldest is about to start nursery, I was able to have a meeting with Sue prior to applying to nurseries and she was so knowledgeable and allowed me to make the best choices that suited our needs. Sue helped by making sure he was ready by encouraging and supporting his independence.
I totally recommend Sue, She is a total professional and always has the children at the center of learning and plans activities based on their interests and extends their knowledge and skills.
We will miss Sue greatly.