I'm very disappointed in Ella. Having read her
profile she seemed very promising, in particular
the swimming bit as we have a big swimming
pool in our building to capitalise with.
Initially the correspondence was good with Ella making the first point of contact. Then she disappeared and ghosted me following my response of a lengthy routine for my 2 boys.
I have a pleasant 2 year old boy who goes to
nursery and a newborn who is exclusively
breastfed and sleeps well with no issues. Ella
decided to ignore that message. Very rude and
inconsiderate as I have taken the time to respond. Not entirely sure what her intentions are. Perhaps she lacks maturity and professionalism.
I messaged her again asking if she will be willing
to meet us. Ella agreed for the weekend. I gave
her a time. She decided to ignore that too. Not
quite sure why she agreed to meet us and ignore
I guess I'm annoyed as on paper she was very
promising and we were happy to pay her £20+ per hour or whatever she requested as I know she
has swimming teacher and chef experience.
If you're looking for someone unreliable then Ella perfectly fits that position very well. I won't invest my time and effort on someone who lacks correspondence and agrees to meet on the weekend then disappears into thin air.
This may be a reflection on how she would have cared for my boys, she may highly likely ghost my children. I have dodged a bullet here and wish parents who contact Ella all the best.