A kind, caring and nurturing childminder
As with many mums, returning to work after my first mat-leave was a worrying prospect. Nyssa went to great lengths to ensure my baby girl had a long settling in timetable drawn up to introduce her to the other children, and I now realise to reassure me at just how safe an environment she would be in. By the time my first day came I didn't have to worry one bit and could focus on work.
Nyssa has become one of the few trusted people that my daughter is truly at ease with, and that is a testament to the calm and considered approach Nyssa takes with all her children. She never raises her voice, has a calm and positive approach to each activity and provides all the cuddles a little one needs to reassure them that it's all okay.
The activities are fun, safe and have a world focus (the number of insects, animals and vegetables my daughter has been introduced to delights me weekly) and with Italian being spoken in the house I know my daughter's understanding of sound, speech and music will be growing at a greater rate than I could achieve on my own).
The food is nutritious, the drinks are healthy, the naps are peaceful and the adventures are great.
I recommend Nyssa 100%.