A huge part of my children's lives!
Tracy has looked after my 2 boys since Sept 2009, when my youngest was 14 months old and my eldest was just moving into year 1 at school.
Tracy was keen to ensure that both children were both as happy and settled as soon as possible. She even mopped up my tears as an emotional mummy who didn't want to leave her "baby" anywhere! (Most parents know exactly how this feels).
My eldest son suffers with many allergies and my youngest was born with health problems. Tracy has always remained calm when discussing these and is happy to keep epi-pens, inhalers and medicine available at her home should my son ever have an allergic reaction. In fact, she was so calm that it helped me to remain calm too.
Tracy "knows" my children and that is important. She understands them and knows their personalities. She even makes sure that she caters for my youngest's huge appetite :0)
We have recently had to make some changes to our childcare arrangements, due to personal circumstances, and Tracy has been understanding and accomodating.
Our children are relieved and happy that Tracy will still be caring for them - albeit in a different routine, but the only thing that matters to them is that they still get to spend time with their FRIEND Tracy. She is a huge part of their lives.
Recommended to all.