Amazing, Supportive and Reliable
Cat has picked my daughter up after school since year R. Her house is cosy and inviting, as well as a lovely area for the children which is full of educational & developmental toys, games, dress up, and a relaxing space. Cat will take the children out in the day time on walks, to parks, to cinema, to theme parks, bowling etc,, and local activity and craft events. I have always had some beautiful hand made birthday, Xmas, mothers day goodies that she spends time helping and teaching all the children to make.
Cat is very strict about ensuring she continuously meets OFSTED regulations.
As a bonus she also reminds me about school holiday dates, school discos, dress down day, parents evening etc.. so if you're working full time and have a brain like a sieve this is a priceless benefit (and if you're new to school, then you WILL NEED THIS - trust me)
I am SO glad I found Cat for Year R, and would recommend her to anyone. My daughter will stay with her the whole of primary education.