Amazing care giver
I found Aqsah on this website and from the get go her caring side shone through.
She wanted to know as much as possible about my son, and was very supportive in her approach.
She wanted to know his routines, what he likes and doesn’t.
She very quickly upon meeting my son struck a natural connection and straight away I knew I could entrust her with my child.
Her home was set up with children in mind and her knowledge around Sen children is excellent as she has family with additional needs.
I never felt nervous or scared leaving my son in her care, she updated me twice a day with in-depth & timed detail.
I have never known my son to be happy going in to a care setting (school included) but also his mood was always so bright when I picked him up.
The activities they done was enriching but also she let my son lead too and when he needed time for himself she allowed that.
Aqsah all I can say is thank you, Iv never been so grateful for the care somebody has shown my child.
G will miss you and I hope you open up an outside of term diary soon xx
Response from Aqsah
Thank you for your kind words, I’m happy I’ve made a positive impact. X