Words cannot express
It has actually taken me quite a while to sit down and write this review. I have been waiting for an opportunity where I have time to really do it justice, to find the right words and take my time over conveying my thoughts.
I found Jo, by chance and through looking on this website, for someone to love and care for my very long awaited and precious little girl.My daughter has been with Jo and her brilliant family since she was 8 months old. I cried at our first meeting, just talking with Jo about taking care of my daughter while I returned to work was a very emotional time in my life. I instantly knew that Jo was the perfect person. Poor Jo, she was absolutely brilliant with me - a stranger, weeping in her playroom! This didn't phase her at all and she cared for me too and had all the right words to say.
I have never looked back. Jo has now cared for my gorgeous girl for over three years - welcomed her into her adorable family and cares for her as one of her own. They have an amazing bond, Jo knows her like the back of her hand and my daughter couldn't be more happy, settled and well rounded. They go all over the place and have amazing experiences together, but I love the fact that they also do things that she would be doing if she were at home with me - putting the washing on the line, helping with preparing dinner ... real life experiences too.
Jo provides a beautiful setting. Her home environment is rich and stimulating and the other children (both her own and those she cares for) are now considered extended family. When I met Jo's boys, saw what well-rounded, polite and super individuals they are, my belief that Jo would instill boundaries and provide love and warmth to my daughter was cemented.
When my daughter was much younger, we worked as a team to maintain good routines and eating habits and Jo always respected my opinions and welcomed my feedback. We discussed and agreed consistent strategies for managing my daughter's phases of developmental behaviours and Jo has always been excellent in giving feedback about my daughter's day. We still work in this way now, although routines, boundaries and expectations are so firmly embedded now that handovers are a tiny fraction of the time these days!
Jo is meticulous in ensuring my daughter makes progress in her learning too and has therefore been giving her access to both formal and play based learning experiences, all based upon my daughter's individual level of development and readiness for different learning experiences. We make a great team, sharing information and ideas and Jo planning and developing experiences to extend and excite my daughter.
I feel that there is still so much I could say; praises I could sing and shout from the rooftops. My daughter's time with Jo is now in its final year and although I know that her 'boots' will be filled by new little 'shoes' who will be loved and cared for in just the same was as she has been, I genuinely hope Jo's door remains open to visits, because in her, I believe I have also found a friend for life.
With the hugest thanks to Jo and her wonderful family.