People always ask me, 'what's the best thing you bought when the babies were born?' and my immediate response is always, 'We invested in a twin expert maternity nurse (Vicki) and the babies slept through the night by 10.5 weeks.'
Not only does she know what she is doing, she has a very gentle approach and works with the babies' rhythms vs. being overly strict or harsh. To do this work and do it well you have to have a strong sense of compassion for new parents and understand babies' limited methods of communication. Vicki has it all. And she works hard.
In our case, she even came to the hospital to help us after an unplanned c-section, when I couldn't get out of bed and my husband was exhausted from the trauma of it all. Our babies have an amazing schedule that she still consults us on, and I attribute Vicki with getting us through the first 12 weeks of their lives with some relative peace and harmony.
It can be so stressful and exhausting, to have somebody like Vicki who is kind, thoughtful, dependable and who knows what they are doing (and are amazing with the babies!!) is simply the most amazing thing.
We feel so blessed that we found her! And I simply cannot recommend her highly enough.
We were able to get our babies on an amazing schedule working with Vicki every other week, which was even more telling.