The modern day Mary Poppins
I seriously don't know where to begin.
We are not from this area and with having family over an hour away it was a massive deal to find not only a childminder that we trusted with our son, but someone that we got on with and that we felt fit the bill. We met Beverly and straight away my fiancé and I knew that we had found a keeper. Not only is she a fantastic person but she is so kind and loving towards the children that she looks after.
Our LO started going to Beverly at 10 months old and I honestly can not thank her enough for the support and love she has shown our Callum. When Callum is around children his own age, he tends to push his boundaries and try things that the bigger children are doing and that is all because of Beverly. His walking now turned to running was pushed by Beverly, eating on his own and his now independent character is all down to you.
I am absolutely gutted that due to family circumstances and ill health that we are moving back down closer to family and that we will lose you on a daily basis, but I can honestly say the next family that get's you are a lucky one. You have became a huge part of our family and we will always stay in touch.
Thank you for the time that we have had and the memories- you will always be a huge part of our family.
Laura and Adam