Baby whisperer
Sapphire helped us when my 3rd child was just a few weeks old along with my 22 month old and 3 year old. She had my baby in a routine immediately that she (baby) responded really well to and Sapphire wrote out the timings for me to try and follow on the days she wasn’t working for us.
Sapphire helped me to juggle all 3 children and sometimes had them all by herself. My older children also responded really well to a structured meal & snack time, eating their meals which Sapphire was happy to prepare for them (she has good nutritional knowledge and competent cooking skills), with very little fuss. They would go for their naps, up to the bath or bed time as and when they were asked. Sapphire has a gentle but assertive manner, helped me to get the best behaviour out of my children and understands their programming. She was willing to share tips with me to overcome any difficulties or to get the best out of everyone. She is totally unphased by juggling young children and is happy to get involved with any activities I needed her to, including swimming. The children enjoyed playing with sapphire both free play and more structured learning. She also drives a safe car and was willing to take them out and about to local activity centres. Her time management was very good, not only arriving at work but throughout the day, her awareness of getting the children ready to leave at a certain time and helping to get their bags ready, or being back for nap times, ready to cook meals etc. She is a safe and very competent pair of hands to help with childcare.