Gold Standard for childminding
Having placed our child with the usual generic childcare facilities I cant tell you how lucky we were to have found Heike. Suddenly instead of just being another child in a large crowd, our sons need’s and development became front and centre.
It’s worth noting that our child first started with Heike during the pandemic where there were very strict measures in place, but she was still able to ensure the children had full days of fun, learning and exploration, whilst adhering to all government guidelines and safety measures.
Heike's house & garden is literally a dream play centre with everything a child could ever want, not that they spend much time indoors (only when its really raining) as each day has been planned out with key activities and learning opportunities. Whether it’s the museum, zoo, bird sanctuary, soft play, or water park just to name a few. This is every single day. The children just have the best time ever.
There is also a strong focus on learning and development from dressing themselves, to problem solving and beginning to read/write. They are also encouraged to eat healthily and to start valuing their own health.
Every evening you get a text with a brief rundown of what your child did that day along with a number of photos so you always feel comfortable knowing what they have been up to, and its really nice to actually see them in action each day.
As there are only ever a few children at a time, they also build strong bonds with each other and with Heike. It has been a year and we are all still in touch.
There are certainly good childminders out there, but Heike is the gold standard. If you are lucky enough to get a space with her, then you have hit the jackpot, and you can relax about your child’s welfare and development, well until school starts….