Avatar for Suzy_Baby Expert

Suzy_Baby Expert
Maternity Nurse

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5 stars

As brilliant as everyone says!


Suzy was my third - and final! - sleep consultant! By the time Suzy came, my six month old was an ace daytime napper, but turned into a little terror when it came to bedtime. I didn't have a way of getting him to sleep in the evening that didn't involve tears and more tears. I knew I wasn't being consistent (bad!) but I also felt that I'd given all the various techniques I'd read about a pretty decent go and didn't know what else to try. I'd lost all confidence in my parenting ability and was worried that I was traumatising my baby with his evening crying. Suzy completely came to the rescue, reassuring me that my baby was fine (albeit pretty headstrong!) and giving me the confidence and encouragement to see my chosen technique through. I trusted her completely. Five days after Suzy came, he was asleep at bedtime within 10 minutes. She made the baby happy. She made me happy. The dogs loved her. Everyone loved her!

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Response from Suzy_Baby Expert

Dear RosieL,
The feeling is mutual and that includes your dogs! I loved the challenge of your gorgeous little boys sleep resisting antics and I am so deeply proud of you for following right through to a great result. Congratulations and a big little hug to your very stunning baby boy (and the dogs too!).