Fantastic Childminder
We were first time parents and very apprehensive about leaving our son with anyone as he was only months old. We debated a lot between a childminder or a nursery.
We visited a few local childminders then found Angie’s little Angels on a google web search she was a few miles away as we come from Motherwell but after meeting her and her family we knew that this was the best setting for our son and exactly what we were looking for.
Angie provided us with 2 booklets, a copy of all her policies and an individual care book for our child, the book asked very relevant questions which she said helps her to look after our boy the way we would like him to be looked after.
We were very lucky that we found Angie she was fantastic and her family were very much involved when I went to collect Cameron he would be playing with Les or Angie’s kids they are a great family and you could tell loved having the kids around.
I would highly recommend any parent to go see Angie and find out for yourselves what a warm, caring person she is.
Thanks for everything
Fiona xx
Response from Angies
Hi Fiona thanks for the nice review it's much appreciated.
Hope your all well and Cameron is enjoying Nursery, Thanks for the picture he is so big and looks like your mum. lol
take care and chat soon Xx