Superwoman in the flesh!
Catherine joined our family in late 2015 as a mother’s help to our 4month old twin boys. They automatically formed a precious bond due to Catherine’s soft and caring nature. She would take care of both boys and feed them whilst she insisted I got some rest. I would wake up to find the boys happy, fed and ready for some play! She gave recommendations on how I should help them in terms of development, she was never pushy and as a first time mum I appreciated the advice from a very experienced childminder.
Fast forward a year and it was time for me to go back to work. Catherine looked after the boys initially three days a week and then gradually built up to five. Catherine would take the boys on various outings including a weekly trip to Godstone farm and ‘Wednesday club’ where the children would socialise and enhance their learning. She would encourage varied learning though play and followed the ofsted guidelines giving constant feedback on their progress and included pictures along the way. I would often text in the day and Catherine never made me feel as if I was pestering her, she was warm with her responses and was always willing to chat if I missed the boys. The boys were born premature and I have always believed that Catherine encourages them to achieve more. They were writing at 3 years old and were potty trained by Catherine when they were 2.
When the boys turned 2 and a half, Catherine suggested that we should look into getting the boys into a nursery. This is exactly why we love Catherine, she was happy to forgo her income at the expense of the boys needs and next stages of their lives. We enrolled the boys into a morning nursery where they had the interaction with other children and a classroom environment (ready for school) and Catherine would pick them up in the afternoon. Catherine worked very closely with the nursery. Every week she would ask them on what their goals, activities and projects were for the week and would spend the afternoons enhancing these with the boys. At this point, I had started a new job and Catherine was amazing with her flexibility. She attended a grandparents day at the school and also came to their sports day which they absolutely loved.
When the boys went to school, this was a big changed for them. Their only constant being Catherine! She would pick them up after school and would give them something to eat and again, encourage play based on what they were learning at school. She would read with them if there was time to. In the school holidays Catherine would again have them for the whole day. She would also look after my eldest who is 10 years older than the boys. They would always come back having had an adventure, Happy, tuckered out and ready for bed.
Catherine is the loveliest lady you will ever meet. As I write this I have tears in my eyes remembering the lovely memories she has made with us all. She is caring and considerate and still acts with complete professionalism and integrity. When we talk about our family, the boys list Catherine not knowing any different and she will always be part of our family.
I wish Catherine the very best of luck on her new adventure and if she ever wants to come back, the door is wide open!