As parent I could not be happier with the service I recieve from Kelly and JIm .Honestly dont know what i would do without them!
Their welcomming and homely atmosphere lends itself to a happy and rich enviroment with plenty to do for children of diffrent ages .The lines of communication are both strong and clear between myself and both Kelly and JIm and this contributes greatly to my overlall feel good facotr as a parent using this service . Also as a parent I find both Kelly and Jim to be very professional ,approachable,trustworthy,knowledgeable and responsive to my childs changing needs ( my son has a learnig difficulty ) ( and mine when the shifts change !! )
From my childs point of view :' I love going to Jim and Kellys because there is always something nice to do and both Kelly and Jim help me with my homework and other things I get stuck with . I also like playing in the playroom with all the toys and oput in the garden on the bikes ,There is loads of things to do !!