Calming and supportive night nanny
Leah gave me huge peace of mind after a very difficult 6 weeks with my baby daughter. My daughter did not sleep well, and only on me or her dad. During the day I was having to pace up and down during the entirety of all of her naps just to settle her and at night we were awake with her as she wouldn't be put down. She was also gripe and cried a lot. When my partner went away for work I was struggling on an hour's sleep per day and reached out to Leah. Not only did she enable me to get a full nights sleep, but she also discussed what was happening in the days with me and have me many tips and suggestions. I found her to be a lovely, calming and thoughtful présence in the house and would not hesitate to hire her again. She was lovely with the baby and forthright and supportive with me.