West Rise Junior School
Chaffinch Road, Langney, Eastbourne, BN23 7SL
West Rise Junior School is a community school school in Eastbourne. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 244 pupils and allows entry for children aged 7-11.
About Us
At West Rise Junior School we inspire and empower independent and creative learners, who will continue to enrich their lives and those of others within a culture of high achievement and mutual respect.
“I only wish I was seven again and could be a child at your school. You do such amazing things!”
Kate Humble July 2013, BBC wildlife presenter.
“West Rise is a very inspiring school! I have told everyone about it!”
Jon Severs July 2013, Editor of the Times Educational Supplement.
“West Rise Junior School is an amazing school with amazing pupils and staff”
John Craven March 2016, Presenter on BBC’s Countryfile.
West Rise Junior School is the most magical, inspiring and extraordinary place!
During the presentation of the National Sculpture for Kids exhibition, at the Royal Society of British Sculptors, David Cameron (Prime Minister), awarded West Rise Junior School the top prize and commented that the school demonstrated exemplary creative performance and aspiration.
At West Rise, we offer our pupils a dynamic, creative learning environment. Room 13, Shine Radio Station, artists in residence, a school farm, a Bronze Age village, Forest School, water buffalo, chickens, sheep, ducks and 120 acres of marshland are all integral and contribute to the unique experience pupils enjoy at West Rise.
The school has featured eight times in The Times Educational Supplement (International Educational Press), and in many other National newspapers, including The Times.
We have regularly featured on BBC and ITV television news, on BBC Radio and were excited to be featured on BBC’s Countryfile.
Children achieve highly in sport, music and the arts both in and outside school. “Pupils achieve well throughout the school and in a wide variety of subjects, benefitting from a rich and diverse curriculum.” “Behaviour and safety are outstanding” Ofsted
There is an extraordinary community feel throughout the school as confirmed by the vast majority of visitors. If you are inspired by us, we would love to show you our amazing learning environment, innovative projects, fantastic staff and brilliant
Mike Fairclough, Headteacher
Our Childcare Provision
BREAKFAST CLUB - Available to pupils who attend West Rise Junior School only
Our Breakfast Club runs Monday – Friday term time only from 7.45 – 8.30 a.m. Breakfast
is included. Currently the cost is £3.00 per session.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS - Available to pupils who attend West Rise Junior School only
After school clubs include various sports, drama, craft, art, radio and archery. Letters from
the school office will advise you of the availability of the clubs. We do charge for some
clubs, particularly those by outside providers.
Tutors may be members of the school staff, outside providers or parents with a particular
talent which has been identified. All tutors will have been through a child protection check.
Children are often very keen to participate in organised activities. We wish to encourage
this and provide opportunities for the children to meet at lunchtime and after school to
practice skills and interests. The actual clubs organised represent the current interests of
staff and children and may vary from time to time.
Pick ups and Drop offs
Usually responds within 2 days
hello I am Victoria Erridge I live in Langney Eastbourne, I have 3 grown up children 2 live at home and are at work, I have a large family home with a garden. We enjoy lots of…
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