Home from home
Our little girl has been with Jackie since she was 5 months old (she has just turned 3). Jackie has been there every step of the way, she has welcomed H into her home and nurtured her over the years. Jackie has supported us all through every milestone; eating solids, crawling, walking, teething, playing, potty training and everything else in between. She has always been on hand for help and advice if we've been unsure (first time parents).
Jackie has nurtured our little girl, encouraging her to be confident, independent and problem solve. H is 100mph and extremely active, Jackie always has something fun planned but fully adaptable when H arrives with an idea for the day. H always comes home with a tale to tell; many walks, park trips, Beamish outings and trips to the seaside whilst encouraging her to explore and learn.
More recently we have seen our little girl develop a greater understanding of emotions and how to articulate them along with academic skills such as learning numbers and letters.
Jackie has really created a safe place which is genuinely a home from home environment and H is excited to go every day!