Exceptional childcare - highly recommend.
Chantelle has been our son's key worker for the the last year. And we wouldn't have it any other way. She is by far one of the most trusted, caring, supportive pre-school staff members I've had the pleasure to cross paths with.
She was deeply invested in our son's wellbeing before he moved from baby room to preschool, so the transition was smooth (and anxiety-free!).
She always goes above and beyond to update us on daily activities, progression milestones, achievements and behaviour. She provides additional support and resources if there are any concerns (in and outside of nursery hours), and always considers communication with empathy and kindness as she knows I worry!
Chantelle is confident and highly qualified. Her passion for elevating creativity in preschool activities is second to none, and her side hustle of social media guru to build community and connection for the nursery is a joy to watch.
Being greeted daily by a friendly face who our son loves is priceless. Great people are ultimately what makes a nursery successfully and Chantelle is one such example. A one in a million and an incredibly invaluable asset!
(On a side note, Chantelle is also one of our babysitters. You can't put a price on knowing your child is with someone you trust!)