Loretta Young
Childminder in Kempston
Usually responds within 15 minutes
Female Member since Jul 2009 Last Updated Mar 2025 Last Login 26 Mar 2025
My Summary
Childminder Extraordinaire!
About Me
2 spaces available! Situated in central Kempston just by Sainsburys, I have been a fully insured Ofsted Registered Childminder for over 30 years.
I am a fully Insured NCMA/PACEY Member and hold an Enhanced CRB/DBS Disclosure. I am Ofsted Registered, being Regulated and Inspected with over 30 years of continuous Registration. I'm also I.C.O. Registered and hold full Public Liability Insurance. I have a wealth of absolutely excellent reviews and references and hold in excess of 235 Certifications of further training undertaken within the childcare field with Safeguarding/Child Protection and Paediatric First Aid being regularly renewed.
I am extremely experienced, extensively trained and offer quality and fun loving childcare in a happy, home from home setting at sensible low ratios of adult to children. As like Nurseries and Preschools I work within the EYFS Framework to ensure all your child’s progress is monitored and recorded and next steps are planned from my observations. I now use the UK’s largest on-line childcare portal Babysdays instead of A4 paper and journals. This is fully interactive with for parents and everything from contracts, medical records, photographs to invoices are all available at the touch of a button on your phone or wherever you choose to log in from. Here you’ll also find photographs of your child’s day showing their learning progression while learning and having fun.
All childcare can be tailored exactly to your childs individual needs and specific requirements since our ratios are far less than Nurseries this enables your child to receive far more personal attention.
I have invested in extensive CPD training gaining numerous Certificates for further training undertaken. Ongoing Professional Development in hugely important to me as it not only keeps me up to date with the latest methods and legislation but expands my hungry mind covering many subjects relevant within my field. A list of subjects covered and achieved is listed within this profile. Also listed within my profile are numerous excellent 5* reviews from previous service users-which speaks absolute volumes and for which I am most grateful for!
I am a fun person, very friendly and approachable and your child's learning and development and both your happiness are my main objective. Our days are fun and varied and I aim to provide the best learning opportunities. Many of our activities and visits are truly enhanced and enriched experiences which contribute to high quality learning, well rounded Early Years education which is way above the basic EYFS provision requirements. Our mornings are usually visiting any of the following:
* Toddler groups
* Local Library
* Various local community projects
* Music & rhyme times
* Cinema visits
* Local farms
* Theatre shows
* Historic venues
* Play football
* Soft play centres
* Messy play sessions
* Fire Station visits
* Sensory room experiences
* Sand parks
* Dance and movement groups
* Train spotting, visits and rides
* Crocodile farm
* Various Zoos
* Local Museums
* Gurdwara visits
* Houghton House
* Brass rubbing at Castle Mound
* Garden Centres
* Bromham Mill
* Shuttleworth for planes and gardens
* Fairy Garden
* Feeding giant fish and various ducks
* Nature walks
* Kempston’s Secret Garden
* Various play parks
* Letchworth Splash Park
* Stewartby Lake
* Forest Centre
* Various Churches including graveyards
* Barton Springs
* Dunstable Downs
* Skate parks
* Graffiti tunnels
* Zip lining
* Bug hunting
* Various Childrens Centres and Childminder Support Groups
Basically we’re out and about in the fresh air a lot having lots of exercise, exploring nature at its best. Without a doubt we’re out every single morning having fun while learning through play and adventure! Nothing is ever set in stone....for example if a child has a current interest in trains or fire engines-we could go to the Train Station or Fire Station. We have done this many times and have often wangled an exclusive guided tour of each! All of our trips out, visits, past times and attractions and all admission costs are included within your fees. Generally we’re then home for lunch, sleep and do home based activities in the afternoon.
At home I have numerous educational toys and resources and we do lots fun and educational activities following the EYFS Framework and the children's interests such as singing and music sessions, dressing up and role play, gardening, ICT, weekly fitness with customised PE kits, arts and crafts with glue and paint, basic baking and cooking, projects, model making, age appropriate scientific experiments, general free play and activities which stretch little minds and focus on many elements of the EYFS Framework.
My home is warm, large, clean and welcoming. My garden is fully enclosed and has various swings, slide, sand pit etc in addition to general items such as play tents, paddling pools, golf, skittles, ride on bikes and trikes etc. We have tortoises which the children love feeding and some very tolerant cats which love to be fussed. Please bear this in mind if your child may have allergies.
I provide all the essentials with regards to pushchairs, car seats, travel cots, car seats etc. All my resources, toys and equipment are regularly checked for safety and kept in a good and clean condition. Included within your fees are nappies, wipes, sun protection and all admission and membership costs. Unfortunately due to numerous reasons I no longer provide meals so a daily packed lunch and a spare set of clothes is all that is required for you to provide.
My Experience
I have over 30 years experience of bringing up my own children and also helping many happy families with theirs!
I have a special interest in behaviour management and also speech and language development and can help your child with problems regarding this in order to develop them further should you have any concerns about this.
I have also minded babies from 3 weeks old, twins, children with behaviour problems, teenagers and special needs children although my current preferred age is 22 months upwards to fit in with existing children.
Please take time to read all the excellent parental reviews at the bottom of my profile. Previous parents who I’ve dealt with on a very personal level over a number of years have said the most wonderful things about the levels of learning opportunities and the quality of childcare I offer so please take time to take a lookie.
My Qualifications
(Certificates of further training in no particular order)
Paediatric First Aid (numerous renewals tailored especially to babies and young children renewed every 3 years maximum over 30 years)
C.O.E.L. Characteristics of Effective Learning
Child Protection
Safeguarding (Refresher to the above with 100% passmark)
Home Fire Safety Training
Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse V3
Oral Health Awareness and Nutrition Training
Working with Babies
The Prevent Duty ( Level 2)
Early Years Foundation Stage
Speech and Language Disorders in Pre School Children
English as an Additional Language
Allergy Awareness
The Prevent Duty Level 2
Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect-Core V4/R4MV5/V7.3
Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect-Core Refresher R4MV5
Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect-Core Refresher R3MV14
Data Protection Level 2
Inclusive Play, Disability and Early Years Workshop
Prevent Duty and British Values
Supporting all Children's Speech, Language and Communication
Disability Awareness
Supporting all Children's Speech, Language and Communication
Common Assessment Framework
Supporting all Children's Speech, Language and Communication-Introductory Level
Using Visuals to Support Communication
Child Development in the Early Years
Sensory Play and Learning
E.Y.F.S. Planning Observations and Planning
Autism, Aspergers Syndrome and Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
Nutrition and Oral Health
NCMA Behaviour Management and Emotional Development for 5-12yr olds
Drug Awareness
Compulsory Paperwork
Supporting Children with S.E.N.D.
Smile Award
Allergies and Anaphylactic Shock
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
E.Y.F.S. Moving On
Behaviour and Self Regulation
Inclusion and Diversity
Under 5's Learning Through Play
C.A.F. (Common Assessment Framework)
Early Learning Goals
Allergy Awareness
Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Developing Young Childrens Speech and Literacy
Observations of Childrens Learning
Teach the Foundation Stage (through Block Play)
Happy Handz Non-Verbal Communication
N.C.M.A. Activities for 5-12 year olds
A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Birth to Three Matters
Portfolio Workshop
Using Visuals To Support Communication
Risk Assessment and Enabling Environments
How to Drug-proof your kids
C.A.F. Raising Awareness
Common Assessment Framework v3 e-learning course
Administration of Epi-Pen
Policy and Procedure Writing
Compulsory Paperwork
Data Protection Level 2
E.Y.F.S. Briefing Sessions
Level 2 Food Safety in Catering (Food Hygiene)
Are you Ready for your Inspection?
I.C.P. (Introduction to Childminding Practice)
Early Mathematics
Mark Making
Phonics for Pre-School Children
Health and Self Care
2 Year Progress Check
Tracking Children’s Progress
Transition to School
Sustained Shared Thinking Webinar
Child Development in the Early Years
Sensory Play and Learning
Introduction to the E.Y.F.S.Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Working with Babies
English as an additional language
Supporting Children with S.E.N.D.
Oral Health in the Early Years
The Learning Walk
Cultural Capital
Coronavirus-Health and Safety
Supporting the Development of Self Regulation Skills
Inspection and You – Education Inspection Framework Jargon Busting
Focus on….The Learning Walk
Focus on…Cultural Capital
Dental Hygiene and Oral Health in the Early Years
Supporting Children through Bereavement
Healthy Eating in the Early Years
Gender in the Early Years
Children’s Character, Interests and Talents
Oral Health
Updating your Safeguarding Policy for September 2021
Quick Assessment Checks
Updates to the Early Years Foundation Stage
Impact of Lockdown on Children
Literacy in 2021
OFSTED Inspection from September 2021
Progress Check at 2 in 2021
Pedagogy and Practice in 2021
Learning Characteristics in 2021
Delivering the Educational Programs in 2021
The Educational Programs in 2021
Changes to the EYFS from September 2021
Child Development part 2
Curriculum in 2021
Comparing Development Matters
Teaching in 2021
Safeguarding – the Roles of the DSL
Environmental Check
Safeguarding Refresher
Curriculum for 2021
Data Protection Refresher – Safeguarding
Developing a Sequenced Curriculum – EYFS Reforms
Driving your Business through a Pandemic
EYFS reforms – a Blended Curriculum
EYFS reforms – Tracking Children’s Progress
Rethinking Children’s Behaviour – part one
The Leuven Scales
Children returning to Childcare
Getting to Good
Curriculum Planning – a Trauma Informed Response
Restarting your Early Years Business
Child Well-being
Coronavirus Risk Assessment
Health and Safety in the Early Years
The Outside Play Curriculum
Resources in the Early Years
Risky Play in the Early Years
Risk Assessment in the Early Years
Childminders Paperwork
Supporting Children with SEND
Outings in the Early Years
Working with Others
Working with Parents
Daily routines in the Early Years
Teaching Boys and Girls
Working with 2 to 3-year-olds
Physical Development
Self Evaluation
The Early Years Curriculum
EY Inspections from September 2019
Music and Movement in the Early Years
Mark Making
Phonics in the Early Years
Reading in the Early Years
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical development
2 Year Progress Check
Transition to School
E.Y.F.S. 2021- 3 months on
Your Curriculum for 2022
Safeguarding Audit for 2022
Paperwork for Childminders in 2022
Planning for Progress in 2022
Supporting Childrens Emotions in The Early Years
Enabling Environments
Quality Improvement
Safeguarding File
Books to Support Learning
Ofsted and Professional Development
Role Play in the Early Years
Nappy Changing and Toileting
Multicultural Teaching
Provision Mapping-SEND
Curriculum Differentiation
Starting School
Child Safeguarding File
The Progress Check at 2-Update
Caring for Refugee Children
Understanding Autism
Supporting Picky Eaters
Outside Curriculum
The 8 Senses
The EYFS Educational Programmes
Food Hygiene for Childminders
Supporting Children with Allergies
Children, EAL and the Pandemic
EYFS Walk-through
Ofsted Inspection Focus Areas
Supporting Children’s Interests
Safeguarding: Internet Safety
Maths Mastery
Teaching and Ofsted Inspection
Teaching the Curriculum
Ofsted and Recording Children’s Learning
Small Group Time
7P’s of Outstanding Practice
Answering Ofsted’s Questions
Ofsted Focus on Communication and Language
Growth Mindset
School Readiness in 2023
Safeguarding Update 2023
The Childcare Register
Childcare Register and Safeguarding
Introduction to Self-regulation
Curriculum for Self-regulation
Early Talk
Teaching the Prime Areas
Keeping Parents Updated
Changes to the EYFS 2024
Communication and Language 2024
Personal, Social and Emotional Development for 2024
Physical Development for 2024
Safeguarding Update
Environments for Learning
Funding Changes with ‘Free’ Childcare
Teaching and Observation
Teaching and Assessment
Teaching and the Learning Characteristics
Brain Development in the Early Years
Brain Development and Play (part 2)
Assessment and the Learning Characteristics
Safeguarding Update June 24
A Practical Curriculum
Communication and Language Best Practice
PSED Zones of Regulation
Movement Matters
Teaching Groups of Children Curriculum
Curriculum and Parents
Activities are not Enough
SEND Assessment Guidance
Business Planning for 2025
Health and Safety Update 2025
Safeguarding Update 2025
Safer Eating
Safeguarding- EYFS 2025 (part 1)
Safeguarding- EYFS 2025 (part 2)
The Natural World
Loose Parts Play
Health and Safety Update 2025
Business Planning for 2025
Certificate of Excellence (highly rated Provider on Childcare.co.uk)
Gold Service Award (10 year Membership with Childcare.co.uk)
Local Authority Registered Food Business Establishment for Food Hygiene (England) Regs 2006
I.C.O. Registered
N.C.M.A/P.A.C.E.Y. Member for over 30 years
Inland Revenue Small Business Support Team-Income Tax for Registered Childminders
Advanced Training Course covering all aspects of the Baby's Days system including: Progress, Observations, Planning, Next Steps, Policies, Permissions, Medical, Book keeping, Attendance, Contracts, Registers, SEF, Photographs, Risk Assessments & Diaries.
My commitment to ongoing training is very important to me as it constantly updates my knowledge and keeps me up to date with latest methods and legislation.
My Availability
I have 2 places both available between 9-5pm on a Monday and Tuesday. These are for children approximately 22+ months upwards in order to fit in with existing children. Please note: I do not offer any school/preschool/Nursery drops or collections.
In addition to offering 15/30hr funded places, all workplace childcare vouchers are accepted as I’m a Registered/Approved Provider for both of these. I am also registered for the new Government initiative of 20% Tax Free Childcare Scheme which is an incentive for higher earners with an income of up to 100K per year. This gives you a 20% discount by using the Government Scheme to pay your childcare fees. As a Registered/Approved Provider you may be able to claim the Childcare Element of WFTC/Universal Credits depending on your household income. Please ask for further details about either of the above schemes.
My preferred method of contact is by phone as I feel human conversation is better than endless messages. However, if you would prefer to message me-please clearly state your requirements in full including preferred days, times, your childs exact age and any other relevant details ie; whether they have any medical conditions or special needs etc.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Before School | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Morning | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no |
Afternoon | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no |
After School | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no |
Evening | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Overnight | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Last Updated: 26/03/2025 |
My Fees
- Childminding from £6.75 per hour
Please enquire as rates vary depending on your requirements. The stated £6.75 per hour is for a standard all year 40 hour place. Factors to consider are:
How many children
Which days
What hours
How regularly
Long/short term arrangement
Term time only or all year
Please call to discuss your individual requirements or if you message me within this site PLEASE clearly state your requirements in full.
My Local Schools
- I provide pick ups at Bedford Road Primary Academy
My Ofsted Inspections
The inspection grades below have been obtained from the Ofsted website based upon the registration number the childminder has provided to us. You should verify this information yourself prior to using the childminder.

My Documents
- Ofsted Certificate (added 26/10/2016)
- Utility Bill (added 26/10/2016)
- UK Passport (added 26/10/2016)
- Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination (added 22/06/2021)
- Training Certificate (added 26/10/2016)
- First Aid Certificate (added 26/10/2016)

Parents say
The childminder receives overwhelmingly positive reviews, with parents praising her dedication, experience, and ability to provide a nurturing environment. Children are described as thriving under her care, enjoying varied activities and outings. Parents appreciate the childminder's flexibility, communication, and focus on each child's development. Many highlight significant improvements in their children's confidence, social skills, and learning.
Summary generated by AI from the text of recent member reviews
Latest reviews
Below are the latest reviews for Loretta Young. Please note that reviews represent the subjective opinions of other Childcare.co.uk members and not of Childcare.co.uk. Parents must carry out their own checks and references on childcare providers to ensure that they are completely happy before enaging in the use of their services.
Loretta has been in our lives for two years now and I could not have asked for a safer, more stable or more dependable pair of hands to look after my little girl. My daughter was a Covid baby and was initially so scared of everything from cats to hand dryers. Now two years later I cannot even believe it’s the same little girl. She is so confident and sure of herself but also so polite and considerate of others and I attribute this to the time she’s spent with Loretta. Throughout the two years I’ve been able to have very open and honest conversations with Loretta and she was very clear when my daughter was doing well or where we needed to collectively pull in the same direction e.g. with forgetting manners etc. Loretta is firm but fair and incredibly passionate about her work. I pulled my daughter out of nursery two years ago because I just couldn’t understand what they spent the day doing and this is the best decision I made for her. The real life activities that they get up to have been so pivotal to her development. Even with all the activities they do my daughter is still very switched on with her letters, numbers and reading. I don’t know how they find the time in one day. Today was my daughters first day of school and I’m so happy for this new chapter she is in but I’m really going to miss hearing about all their daily adventures as well as seeing all the photos on the app. I’m quite emotional actually writing this because I know I gave my daughter the best start in life by putting her in Loretta’s hands. Loretta, from the bottom of my heart: thank you.
on 09/09/2024
We met Loretta in March 2023 while searching for a childminder for our daughter, Agnes, who was two years and nine months old at the time. Looking back, choosing Loretta was the best decision we could have made for our daughter. Prior to this, Agnes had been cared for by her grandmothers while I worked, making Loretta the first person outside of our family to look after her. Since we speak only Romanian at home and the grandmothers do not speak English, I was concerned that Agnes, born during the pandemic, might struggle to settle in or learn English. However, I was amazed at the progress she made after just two weeks with Loretta—it's all thanks to her! I often say Loretta was sent by God to help us raise and educate Agnes.
At first, I had many fears. Agnes didn’t know any English, was scared of hand dryers, and always wanted to be with me. Now, she speaks so much English, is confident, and enjoys playing and socializing with other children. It truly was the best decision we ever made.
Loretta's approach of having only three or four children creates a unique, nurturing environment where children can grow and develop. This homely atmosphere made it easy for Agnes to settle in quickly. Loretta offers a wide variety of activities—every day, they go to groups, parks, theatre shows, farms, circuses, museums, cinemas, soft play areas, splash parks, upside down house and more. She even planted her first tree with Loretta. Thanks to her, Agnes has experienced many places I would never have had the time or even known about. Everywhere we go, Agnes excitedly tells me, 'Oh, I was here with Loretta!'
Under Loretta's care, Agnes has made incredible progress. She has learned to speak fluent English, which is not spoken at home, and has developed her skills in arts and crafts, letters, numbers, and nursery rhymes. She has also learned important social skills and respect for others, helping her flourish in the company of other children. This is a true testament to Loretta's dedication and effort in helping us raise Agnes.
We are immensely proud of our daughter and forever grateful to Loretta for her impact on our lives. It is clear that for Loretta, childcare is not just a job but a way of life, and each child she cares for becomes a part of that life. Loretta also kept us updated with photos of Agnes, which brought joy to our daily routine.
Loretta is also a valued member of the local community, well-known in her neighbourhood and actively engaged in the community. Her kindness and involvement make a real difference.
Words cannot fully express our gratitude towards Loretta. Thank you for all your support, for being part of our lives, and for everything you have done for our daughter.
on 30/08/2024
Response by
Loretta Young
on 30/08/2024:
Thankyou so much indeed for your very lovely words. It has been an absolute pleasure to care, nurture and teach Agnes. I wish her the very best for starting school and I know she’ll absolutely smash it!
Our grandson spends 3 days per week with Loretta and I feel so lucky that he is able to experience the care and love she gives him. I know from his comments that he loves being with Loretta and has such special times with her… on a train, ringing bells, playing in tents, relaxation and exercise… so many lovely activities that he enjoys. As a grandmother I feel very happy and reassured that my beautiful grandson is privileged to experience the care and love that Loretta provides… thank you Loretta 😊
on 13/04/2024
Response by
Loretta Young
on 14/04/2024:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words. He fits in a treat and is always so happy and willing to try everything! What’s more he’s a total pleasure to care for.
Reuben had a lovely experience with Loretta. His speech and confidence came on so much in the time her was there. The children get to go out lots and experience different things. They do P.E on a Friday which is lovely. Reuben has come in so much. We were sad to leave but unfortunately Loretta is taking on fewer children over all. I would recommend her as Reuben has really developed hugely in confidence since being there.
on 19/02/2024
Response by
Loretta Young
on 20/02/2024:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words. We’re really going to miss him!
My daughter was with Loretta for a year and she absolutely loved going there. The children are always out and about doing a wide variety of activities. Loretta is great with teaching the kids good manners and being kind to everyone, for example, giving the refuse collectors bottles of water. We were always informed of any issues with our daughter and her day was always documented with loads of photos. I would highly recommend Loretta.
on 30/09/2023
Response by
Loretta Young
on 01/10/2023:
Thankyou so much! We really miss girly and the children often talk her. I hope she’s settled brilliantly at big school.
Loretta is the first childminder that I take my little girl to. After only 3 weeks since Agnes goes there she has learned so many things and she has so much fun. Everyday they do new activities. I highly recommend Loretta to all the parents that need childcare. For me as a new mum she has given great support. I truly believe that God sent her in our lives, that much gratitude we have towards her.
on 23/03/2023
Response by
Loretta Young
on 23/03/2023:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words. It’s lovely to see Agnes becoming more confident every day. It’s lovely to see such willingness to join in and learn with us.
Loretta is a wonderful childminder who cares for my two year old daughter. Her week is filled with lots of variety of activities to develop her and she is having so much fun! In just a month, we have noticed her speech developing really well, she now has new friends she loves spending time with and she can’t stop talking to us about Loretta and the girls! My daughter loves animals and Loretta has some lovely pets that M looks forward to seeing. Loretta has taken her out on some amazing trips out and about and she is having the time of her life! Just look at all the pics Loretta uploads weekly, it’s amazing. We cannot thank Loretta enough for her care, kindness and all the things she does for our little one. We definitely recommend her to anyone, you would be lucky to have her as your child’s childminder!
on 27/02/2023
Response by
Loretta Young
on 27/02/2023:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words-they’re very much appreciated.
Massive shout out to you Loretta for all the incredible work that you do. My daughter has been with Loretta for about 3 months now and made so much more progress than she ever did in 2 years at nursery. Being a pandemic baby she was scared of everything - animals, new people, new things etc but with all the adventures she gets up to with Loretta she is now so confident and brave. I am really enjoying the great working relationship we have built with Loretta as we work together in the best interest of my daughter. My favourite part of the day is seeing all the photos of everything they get up to during the day and seeing my daughter so happy but also seeing the great balance of play and education that they get up to. I would have no reservations recommending Loretta to any parent as it’s turned out to be the best decision i made for my child
on 15/12/2022
Response by
Loretta Young
on 16/12/2022:
Thankyou so much for your beautiful words! Little Miss has definitely come on in absolute leaps and bounds since joining us and this has to be the most outstanding improvement I’ve experienced in 30 years with a new child! I also smile from ear to ear when you tell me this (at least twice a week haha) as it reconfirms to me what a wonderful difference I can make to children’s lives and how this is truly appreciated! Thankyou 😄
A bid "Thank you" to Loretta for helping me out and more importantly, helping my son. Loretta's details were passed on to me by someone... I called and she answered! My son and I were going through a very challenging time with school; I needed my son to be looked after, so she kindly invited over to see her home and environment. My son enjoyed being at her home - Loretta has a relaxed atmosphere, there were other children in her home and he seemed to "slot in". Every day they went out for an adventure, we would look at his pictures from the day and he would tell me about his adventures - what they did, where they went, who they saw, etc. It was lovely to hear him speak positively about his day and the pictures were great (I need to make an album!).
All in all, Loretta was great, and I highly recommend her... excellent childminder and excellent service.
on 16/09/2022
Response by
Loretta Young
on 16/09/2022:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words. Much appreciated!
Our daughter has been going to Loretta’s since November, and has such fantastic (and educational!) experiences, and they are always doing something different.
As a little one that was only 4 months old when we went into lockdown 1, we were quite nervous about our first experience of childcare outside of family. We didn’t need to fear though, and our daughter has a fab time with Loretta and has made some lovely little friends. Whilst our daughter has suffered some separation anxiety, we have been able to work through this together with Loretta, as a key partner to the success of our family. With her empathy and support, we are out the other side (touch wood!), but if not, we trust that there is a huge knowledge base in Loretta to help us get our little girl back on track.
Our daughter’s language and counting has come on leaps and bounds, and her vocabulary, comprehension and conversation has expanded to include all the exciting things they do.
Would recommend for your littlies
Em G
on 22/03/2022
Response by
Loretta Young
on 22/03/2022:
Thankyou so much for your lovely words 🤗
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