Gillespie Primary School

Gillespie Road, London, N5 1LH

Gillespie Primary School is a community school school in London. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 241 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.

About Us

Gillespie is a one form entry inner city primary school with 240 pupils aged three to eleven years including a nursery with full and part time pupils. The children are from a diverse and continuously changing community.

Our Childcare Provision

We offer a breakfast club from 8:00-8:45am and have a range of After School Clubs from 3:30-4:30pm. We also have a partnership with Elizabeth House which offers childcare from 3:30-6:00pm as well as holiday provision.

Pick ups and Drop offs

kelly 19
Kelly 19
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Babysitter,Nanny in Islington

Usually responds within 2 days

Hello,my name is kelly.I am a nanny living in the islington area,I have been working with children for over 25 years.I have worked as a nanny, worked in nurseries.I also worked fo…

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Babysitter,Nanny in London

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a dedicated and experienced nanny with a passion for providing top-notch care to children. With over a decade of experience as a nanny and nursery teacher, I have cared f…

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Babysitter,Nanny in London

Usually responds within 15 minutes

Friendly, polite, professional English Nanny based in Islington. I have almost 5 years of professional nanny experience and specialise in creative, age appropriate activities for…

5 stars 1
Babysitter,Nanny in London Borough Of Islington

Usually responds within 24 hours

I have had the pleasure of working as an after-school nanny for the last 6 years with two wonderful famiies however due to the children being much older now and changed circumstan…


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